According to the statistics provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labour’s census of fatal occupational injuries research file, 723 workers in the private sector died by coming in to contact with the moving objects and equipment’s- like overhead cranes in the year 2012.
Industries have shown great concern for their workers safety, especially for those working in construction sites. They have undertaken many measures in order to safeguard their workers safety and to avoid any kind of tragedy. Workers are trained thoroughly before assigning such works. They have timely sessions too in order to update them with the latest techniques and train them about the newest technologies in workplace, in addition to how they can safely work with them.
– Hawk Lee
“walkthe extra mile”

Despite, all the education provided to them, we have seen increase in work related injuries in the past decade and that too especially, people getting injured over loads. which signifies that industries have to walk an extra mile in order to ensure their workers safety.
Project sales corp. is providing you with hands-free alternative, the solution of your worries. Now, there is no need to push the load with your bare hands directly. You can use the PSC SAFEGUIDER AND TAGLINE RETRIEVER TOOL for directing heavy crane and fork lift loads. Before, it was difficult to guide and retrieve the PSC RIGTOOLS TAGLINE, but not anymore. Maintain safety distance by using the PSC SAFEGUIDER AND TAGLINE RETRIEVER TOOL. It is light in weight, but can push loads right up to600 lbs. This push and pull pole is ideal for manoeuvring suspended loads without taking the hand close to the danger zone.
1 . The head has a serrated ‘S’ design aluminium tool that works on hooking principle on one end and a reverse hook on the opposite end which allows it to be used in both push and pull applications.
2. In the other version, a ‘C’ head is designed to help with the manoeuvring of slung loads.
3.A dielectric hardwood makes the product safe to use.
3.The sand dipped in the grip area on the wooden pole allows for better grip while working with these tools.
Now, you get the PSC safe guider and tagline retriever tool in two versions-S and C. Version ‘S’ is advised to use for both push and pull applications. Whereas, version ‘C’ helps you with the manoeuvring of slung loads.