Hand/finger injuries are on the rise. People working in oil and gas industries suffer from hand/finger injuries the most. Despite the fact that these workers are well-trained and work in and around a highly heightened work place, the outcomes still shows increase in the number of hand/finger injuries. Not to mention, the large amount of money it takes to treat hand/finger injuries. Not everyone can afford the expensive treatment. Hand/finger injuries may seem inevitable. However, it may be possible try to change its outcomes if we cannot foresee the future accidents.
“Don’t wait for it to happen, take actions beforehand“
Hand/finger injuries contributes up to 50 percent of the total injuries taking place in oil and gas industries, according to the sources of occupational health & safety magazines. But at times, it rises up to 80 percent. The saddest part is that hand/finger injuries are on a rise despite the fact that it is preventable. So, less work is done and less focus is paid on reducing or completely eradicating hand/finger injuries from the workplace. in

The problems faced by workers in oil and gas industries aren’t a secret: the difficulties are well-known. Hands/fingers are the most crucial part of one’s body and the most exploited too. According to the IADC reports, workers rate drops drastically, after working for 5 years in the industry. It’s high time to address this problem on a serious note. A single person cannot change the situation in a single day- it’s a collaborative work of many days and many men. We need to keep an open eye and a comprehensive approach towards this problem. Workers working in this kind of hazardous places need to be educated on daily basis and compulsory safety programs, including safety training once in a week, should be initiated by the concerned industry.
“We care, we share“
We, at Project Sales Corp. believe in hustling hard. And thus, we believe in addressing problems with the same optimistic attitude. We believe in eliminating the problem beforehand and hence, want the very same for the workers involving in manual work. We know that you care. We completely eliminate these kinds of injuries, when we aspire and work to yield high.
“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands- one for helping yourself, and the
other for helping others“
And we, the family of Project Sales Corp. work to ensure that you are able to do just both. We care for you, because we share the same belief system as you. We work so that you can do your work with no worries. Project Sales Corp. has introduced a wide range of hands-free and hands-off tools that will help you in eliminating hand and finger injuries while handling suspended loads and performing various tasks in the workplace.