We are all about hands protection
Bringing innovative Hands-Free Safety tools to mitigate hand injuries.
Project Sales Corp is pleased to introduce several products in Indian markets that will help eliminate hand and finger injuries while handling suspended loads and performing various tasks in the workplace. Unlike other safety suppliers, our efforts is focused on improving hand
safety in workplaces.
We stock : Impact Protection Gloves ‐ KONG™, Mechanix® , HexArmor® , Ringers, Superior Gloves, MCR; • Hands‐off tools – PSC FingerSaver, PSC Shove‐It, PSC SafeGuider & Tagline Retriever Tool, PSC LoadGuider Taglines, PSC Lift Assist, PSC SafeGuider, PSC TubularGuider and many more in India.
What is Hands-Free Lifting ?
Personnel not touching a suspended load (with any part of the body) that is connected to a mechanical lifting device is Hands‐free lifting. That is any load that is being lifted or before the load is properly set down and all potential energy is released
Why Hands-Free Lifting ?
Hands injury represent over 50% of all injuries in the workplace. Many injuries can be minimised if not eliminated with the use of the safer methods of handling suspended loads and use safer lifting apparatus, work practices and tools. The objective of hands‐free lifting is to eliminate hand and finger injuries by removing them from the energy source – and avoid all caught between, struck‐by and struck‐against incidents. Hands and fingers represent a tool that enables you to do wonderful things with them, and unfortunately there are no spare parts for these if you damage them.
Industry Safety Focused Products!
A tagline is a rope attached to a load during a lifting operation to allow a rigger to control swinging and/or rotation of a suspended load. Multiple taglines may be required to exercise full control.

Project sale corp. Offers the most complete range of hands-off safety tools that helps in keeping hands away

Push pole poles provides a safety zone to personnel to manoeuvre and guide suspended loads while avoiding pinch points and crush points. With the use of these hands-free safety tools, workers do not place themselves in danger by working in an unsafe proximity to hazardous suspended loads.

Tagline retriever tools helps in safely retrieve taglines without the personnel going too close to the load and putting oneself in the danger spot.